Sunday, July 19, 2009

DAY 3 & 4!!!!!!!

Wow, what to say, what to say... 

Yesterday we had a worship conference and hung out with the people of the Life Church in Kampala. Today, waking up early, way too early, we headed to the church to begin session 2 of the worship conference, talking about what worship is and the meaning and purpose behind it. It was fun being able to praise and worship with these people. I learned a lot about true worship and how powerful it is. The people of Life Church are really loving and are always shaking your hand and saying how are you followed by thank you. ha ha sometimes there english is a little confusing. After the seminar we headed to a school just down the road where the kids where being taught sexual purity. The kids where going to write down questions and we were going to answer whatever they wanted to know, honestly and as best as we could. We did some worship there and shared some of our testimonies and shared how staying abstinent or in some of our cases, messing up and finding the grace of Jesus so amazing.  Afterwards the kids came up for prayer if they were suffering from stuff from their childhood or dealing with anything that was sexually immoral in there lives. There was a lot of amazing breakthrough there. Some of the kids left really free. 

That was so amazing. After that we went back to the church and set up for the movie night and music night we were putting on in the parking lot of the church. We played worship with another Ugandan band. It was awesome to hear afterwards that there was a man named Isaac, who was 21, and was just walking on road next to the parking lot. He said he heard a voice tell him in his head that if he went to the parking lot that he would never be the same. He walked in and ran into Jay. Jay and another man asked who he was, and where he was from, then asked if he knew the gospel. He had no idea what the gospel or the Bible was. So Jay said if he stayed 2 more minutes he was about to tell the whole crowd who Jesus was and what he has done for us. Isaac ended up waiting, along with many others, and 30 people ended up accepting Jesus as their personal Savior. After the salvations the pastors asked if anyone needed healing for anything from aids to cancers to hurt limbs to anything that needed it. Almost the whole group of people came seeking for healing. From what I heard 2 or 3 people immediately were healed and stated publicly. I’m not sure but I can almost positively say that there were others there that found out they were healed a little later. 

That night was so amazing. I was swamped with little children running around and holding my hand. Little babies always walking up out of no where wanting to hold onto you and crawl in your lap. It’s too adorable. I’m going to have a hard time leaving. :(

part 2 of day.... Can’t remember.

On our way home from the movie night at the church, we must have done the Lord’s Will because our tire blew out in the middle of the road in Entebbe. However, we didn’t feel much other than a tiny bump. We had a jack (but didn’t know it) and a spare (that was flat) and needed to wait for Virginia to come and bring it. Three of us stayed with the van and tried to fix it while the rest of us were out in the dark running on the side of the street flagging down busses and taxi’s that were full to the top and over. It was scary because the driver’s are so reckless that they almost run you over if your too close. However, after many taxi’s and waiting, FINALLY! A completely empty taxi! Which again is a miracle! We headed home and went to bed. Only to wake up 7 hours later. oh my. We’re all pretty beat. Can’t wait to chow you pictures of this one. :)

Love you all,

Andrea Fox


  1. I was excited to see a new update when I checked this morning! Sounds like God is using all of you in amazing ways, just like everyone knew he would :) Still praying for everyone and missing you guys! Have a extraordinary time on the islands! God bless you, ~Alicia~

  2. Loved hearing about what has been happening the last few days. All I can say is amazing...awesome...wonderful! God is working thru you all. We are all praying for you while you are on the island. I am sure it will be much different than what you have been experiencing this last week. Hugs to you all and an extra big one for Brad!! I love you!
